International Transfer Pricing – show large discussions on

  • Tax authorities show aggressive stance, not to lose revenue
  • Variation in country by country requirement
  • Equilibrium Levy to counter BEPs
  • Preparing for Future Compliance with increasing complexities
Corporate Desire is for
  • Corporate aim at high level of Corporate Governance
  • Maximizing Global PAT is the key objective of any corporate
  • Along with this prime objective , other objectives exist
  • Corporate need legitimate frame where they can seek freedom and openness to do business
International Transfer Pricing Management Effectiveness provides such freedom and openness without suffocation.
We render services to facilitate such freedom and openness






TP Report Preparation

The Transfer Pricing study report is the document that forms the backbone of justification and reasoning of the related party transaction pricing. This makes the report a very significant and important document. The perfectness of the document is critical. The TP report for verification of consistency of the Transfer Pricing Policy, reasonability of pricing, determination of Arm’s Length Price, basis for tax implications, and to avoid qualification and adverse remarks from auditors.
A good Transfer Pricing Study report takes case of all the above aspects. Without this document justification of the Arm’s Length Price to the authorities would be difficult. In many jurisdictions the Transfer Pricing Study report is a mandatory compliance requirement.

Our TP Study Report is totally based on analysis

Transfer Pricing Documentation for tax compliance

  • Key problem in justifying ALP is found as absence or lacuna in documentation. This is a vulnerable position which no company would like have
  • Good Documentation the result of right considerations. If they are not sound enough then it poses some problems. Thus well identified consideration makes ALP sound and comparable
  • Documentation service facilitates the filling of such gaps

This services ensures

  • Listing of documents requirements for TP
  • Linking the missing trail of documents
  • Assistance in creating documentation of undocumented price fixation trail
  • Collecting documents from various records for facing Audit
THE BENCH MARK : Sound TP Records ready for the Botheration Free Audit

Transfer Pricing Documentation for Management Application

Looking Beyond Legal Aspects and Taxation

This service provides you insights for Management Applications
  • Value Driver Optimization
  • Cash Flow Optimization
  • Investment Management
  • Risk Management
  • Management Control
  • Profit Center Executive Performance Management
  • Value Driver Optimization
Need of Documentation for Actualization of Insights
We consider the variables through insights and pen them down which are useful for management applications


  • Inputs for making management reports comprehensive
  • Inputs for Revising the ERP
  • Leads for Resource Optimization
Transfer Pricing has its roots in management control over various profit centers. All the more in a shrinking world the utility of TP for management application becomes all the more vital

TP Inputs for Resource Optimization

Transfer Pricing has emerged from the management function of control. Control is exercised at all levels of management to achieve the desired goal. However with the complexities of tax laws the management function of controlling across the political boundaries has become a tight rope walk of balancing between the tax laws and optimizing resources. Requirement of an expert in this area is a need of the day to ensure the balance

Process and Service Features

  • Understanding the Business Model of the Enterprise
  • Critical Identification of Balancing Factors
  • Alignment with Value Chain elements
  • Changes and Tax Implications considerations
  • Determination of INPUTS for Structural Changes leading to Appropriate Business Model

Bottom Line Results

Holistic approach to optimize resources at global level

Price Fixation Audit for compliance with tax laws

This service renders

  • Appropriate Arm’s Length Price
  • Comparability
  • Transparent ALP
  • Acceptable ALP for Tax Authorities
  • Based on Sound Documentation
  • Hustle Free TP Audit
  • Managing Time Line
  • Alarming for Proactive Actions

Total Transfer Pricing Management

TTPMS is not limited to tax and litigation management only
The above services unlock the value at each bid of a value chain and TTPMS is much broader than looking at from Tax Planning point of view
The strategic considerations for unlocking value elements of each element of a value chain.

Our services facilitated to evolve a workable TP Strategy to take you to the Business Model with good freedom and openness.